Semantic wiki formatting

From HCE Wiki - The Human Cognitive Enhancement Wiki
Revision as of 09:05, 14 September 2015 by Haustein (talk | contribs) (added clarification to the last part of the How to use properties section)
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This guide lists and describes all Semantic Wiki categories used on this site. We differentiate between Semantic annotations based on the type of the device or technology they are used to describe.

The semantic wiki properties are almost exclusively used in Infoboxes but they can also be used throughout the text of the article. For an in-depth guide on the semantic properties and semantic wiki in general, please see the Semantic Wiki User Manual.

Head Mounted Displays category semantic properties

This is a list of properties used on pages categorized as Smartglasses or Virtual Reality Devices.

Property name Property value (example value)
Announced in The date when the device was announced. (e.g. 9 September 2013)
Controls are Available means of controlling the device. (e.g. inertial, peripherals, positional tracking)
Costs The cost of the device in USD. (e.g. 400). For this value, use only the number. The USD part will be added automatically.
Developed by The developer or/and manufacturer of the device. (e.g. Oculus VR, Facebook, Inc.)
Has resolution of The resolution of the device's display in pixels. Combined resolution in case of binocular displays. The ending 'pixels' will be added automatically. (e.g. 2560x1440)
Is categorized as The type of technology we categorize the device as. (e.g. Smartglasses)
Operating system is The operating system the device is using or can be used with. (e.g. Microsoft Windows)
Released for consumers The date the device was released to general consumers. Can be used to indicate a rumoured or announced future release date. (e.g. January 2016)
Released for developers in The date the device was made available for developers but it has not entered the general market yet. May indicate possible developer release in the future. (e.g. May 2015)
Weights The weight of the device in grams. The unit 'g' will be added automatically. (400)

Click on any property to learn more about it's semantic Type and usage.

How to use semantic annotations in text

While the creation of new semantic properties is not forbidden, it is highly discouraged to do so without discussing it first with other authors and administrators in order to avoid creating too much more or less the same semantic categories that serve no real purpose other but confusing anyone who would want to browse the wiki. If you have an idea to create a new semantic category, please discuss it first!

To use a semantic property in the text outside of the infobox, you type [[property_name::value]] anywhere you want to assign a property to the value. For example, you are writing about the history of a virtual reality device. You want to semantically indicate, that the year the device was first manufactured is the year of 2015. You take a look at the raw text, find the number of the year and from just 2015 you change it to [[Manufactured in::2015]]. The text will remain the same, but you successfully assigned the year 2015 a semantic property and the device is now searchable by the year it was manufactured in.

When you are creating a new semantic property, try to make it form a sentence. This is the strength of semantic search, because you can now search and filter the properties by using natural language. Using the above example, you should type Manufactured in: instead of something like Manufacture date:.