Apple Siri

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Revision as of 10:24, 1 March 2016 by Haustein (talk | contribs) (summary, characteristics)
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Siri, or Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, is an intelligent personal assistant from the American company Apple Inc. The users interact with Siri via a natural language interface. Siri is able to search for data and answer questions based only on a vocal input. The underlying algorithms learn user's habits and personal language and better itself in order to deliver more individualized results.[1] The user can invoke Siri by saying "Hey Siri" or by double-tapping the device's Home button.

Siri was originally developed by as an iOS app by a start-up company Siri, Inc. The aim was to offer a "virtual personal assistant technology" which would be a new way for the users to interact with their devices. The company was acquired by Apple, Inc. in 28 April 2010, and the app was integrated into the following version of iOS with the introduction of the iPhone4S.[2][3][4]

Main characteristics

Siri uses natural language comprehension that processes the spoken information and then sends the query to be search, retrieve the data, and translate it back to spoken language to the user. The app itself does not condict any search. The front-end merely consist of the Speex audio engine, that comprehends what the user is saying and sends the translated query to Apple servers. There, the user query is analysed and relevant information is retrieved from the database and the Internet.[5] As of March 2016, Siri can search through


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