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Revision as of 12:41, 11 April 2017 by Fricv (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the HCE wiki!

The Human Cognitive Enhancement wiki, or HCE wiki in short, serves as an encyclopaedia of technologies that enhance or otherwise modify human cognition. It is not a mere database, though. We aim to provide not only a comprehensive list of available technologies but also a commentary on related topics such as health issues, controversies, socioeconomic implications and more. We also strive to approach each subject with care, research it properly and, if they are available, reference relevant sources, past research, and literature. The overall structure of this knowledge base, can be viewed here. The Human Cognitive Enhancement Wiki is a part of the HCENAT project.

Featured Article
Google Glass unit.

Google Glass

Google Glass are AR smartglasses developed by Google Inc. It is a standalone device that needs to be connected to other devices running Google’s Android OS, mainly smartphones. It uses a small display hovering in front of the user’s left or right eye. The user can control the device either by a small touch-pad on the side of the device or by using voice commands. The label glasses here could be misleading, by default Glass does not come paired with any lenses, the device itself is a slim glasses-like frame with the HUD unit attached to it. So far only a group of early-adopters selected by Google called ‘Glass Explorers’ could test out the device after paying 1500 USD for the developer version of it. After this testing phase, Google halted the sales of Glass, saying that it will take some time to perfect it. Due to a big marketing campaign, Google Glass created a number of controversies, see below for more details.

Because of the hype Google created, smartglasses and other HMDs, experience a boom that has not been seen before. Even if Google Glass discontinued the device for now, the interest in the technology created a better market for such devices and this lead to many new projects being unveiled.Following the discontinuation in 2015, Google shut down the associated social media accounts for Google Glass in January 2016. (Full article)

More about smart glasses.
Wiki Structure
  • Internal Hardware
    • Genetic Modifications
    • Brain-Computer Interface
    • Nutrition
    • Smart Drugs
  • Internal Software
    • Education
    • Mental Training

You can learn about why we have chosen to create the structure like this on the Wiki Structure meta page.

How to contribute?

If you are interested in contributing to this knowledge base, please follow the link on the top right corner and register your account to begin. In case you are completely new to wiki editing, see this guide to learn the basics. We also follow certain guidelines, you can find them on this page. For help on SemanticWiki categories, see the Semantic wiki formatting.


Human Cognitive Enhancement wiki is an open-access knowledge base of publicly available human cognitive enhancement (HCE) systems. The goals of this wiki are to search for new HCE projects and properly categorise them. Each entry will then describe the system in detail and assess its scientific, public and media impact. It focuses on ethical issues, as reflected by the particular HCE project developers, public, or the scientific community. HCE wiki was developed as a part of Naturalness in Human Cognitive Enhancement project.

The Naturalness in Human Cognitive Enhancement project aims at building a new international research partnership in the field of Human Cognitive Enhancement (HCE) and providing clear and accessible HCE-related analysis, guidelines, and directions for policymakers, stakeholders, HCE engineers, and consumers. Its goal is to create a philosophically grounded, open, and transparent framework for the description, assessment, and forecast of acceptability of HCE systems in public space and by society, as well as for HCE governance issues. The project will be finished in April 2017.

Within this project, we tightly cooperate with Charles University in Prague, 1st Faculty of Medicine, National Institute of Mental Health, The Department of Cybernetics at University of West Bohemia and two Norwegian partners: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Health Sciences Gjøvik, and Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Work Research Institute.

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The research leading to these results has received funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under Project Contract no. MSMT-28477/2014, Project no. 7F14236.

847 pages, 7,823 edits, 376 files, 57 users