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Infobox (Body-worn Wearables)

103 bytes added, 14:48, 26 November 2015
You may have noticed that some of the fields are numbered (i.e.g. <code>controls1=</code> and <code>sensors1=</code>). This is in order to fit more than one value for the same field, if the device in question has more than one control option for example. If you wish to display more control options, take the already existing value <code>controls1=</code> and simply increase the number so it looks like this <code>controls2=</code>, <code>controls3=</code> and so on. Try not to skip any numbers. The maximum number is 10.
Some fields allow you to assign references to them. Write the full reference text inside the relevant <code>..._commentary=</code> field, including the <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code> tags. Example taken from [[Google Cardboard]] infobox: <code><nowiki>announced_commentary=<ref name="time14">LUCKERSON, Victor. Google Just Released Its Most Low-Tech Product Ever. TIME [online]. 2014, 25 June. Available online at: (Retrieved 21 October 2015))</ref>|</nowiki></code>
You can see the whole template in action in [[Google Cardboard]]. Display the source code of the page to see it's infobox template filled in.

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