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Infobox (Body-worn Wearables)

253 bytes added, 14:52, 26 November 2015
standalone field explained
Some fields allow you to assign references to them. Write the full reference text inside the relevant <code>..._commentary=</code> field, including the <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code> tags. Example taken from [[Google Cardboard]] infobox: <code><nowiki>announced_commentary=<ref name="time14">LUCKERSON, Victor. Google Just Released Its Most Low-Tech Product Ever. TIME [online]. 2014, 25 June. Available online at: (Retrieved 21 October 2015))</ref>|</nowiki></code>
The <code>standalone_not_standalone</code> already contains both possible values. To indicate one or the other, simply remove the value that is not correct. Example if the device is indeed standalone: <code>standalone_not_standalone=Standalone|</code>
You can see the whole template in action in [[Google Cardboard]]. Display the source code of the page to see it's infobox template filled in.

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