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Apple watch

1 byte added, 21:14, 7 December 2015
health risk
[[File:Apple-rash.jpg|thumbnail|Rash caused by Watch]]
== Health Risks ==
Wearing Apple Watch may cause skin rash to people who are sensitive to materials used in bands which contain traces of Nickel and Methacrylates. <ref name="ref9ref13"> December 05 2015)</ref> Company Apple Inc. advises to wear the watch that way that you feel comfortable. They warn that tightly worn watch could cause irritation and loosely worn watch could cause skin damage. Preventive care - keep your Apple Watch and bands - as well as your skin dry and clean especially after workouts when you sweat. <ref name="ref10ref14">
(Retrieved December 05 2015)</ref>
== Enhancement/Therapy/Treatment ==
The Watch checks three things: Stand, Exercise and Move. If you are sitting for a long time, the Watch points out you should stand up and walk around. The move accounts to how many calories you burnt during the day. The exercise watches your daily activity like running, yoga or fast walking and the goal is doing some kind of exercise for 30 minutes a day. This helps you keep track of your daily workout.<ref name="ref11ref15"> (Retrieved December 06 2015)</ref> It has been proven by the research company Wristly that Apple Watch users are taking up more sport and making healthier choices. Beside the faster communication Apple watch also offers its users the possibility to concentrate on fitness and well being. Apple watch can have effect on your health, exercise and lifestyle. There is a famous quote that says “The first step to change is awareness”, and the responses indicate that the Watch is helping many people on their journeys for better health. Over 78% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that since getting the Watch, they are more aware of their overall health. In addition, many of them have already made changes with 78% of them agreeing or strongly agreeing that they have more physical activity, 67% that they walk more, 57% that they exercise more and 59% that you make better overall health choices. <ref name="ref12ref16"> (Retrieved December 06 2015)</ref>
<!-- Describe in detail whether the technology aims to enhance human cognition, i.e. to improve human abilities beyond what is considered normal, and/or if it is also applicable as a form of treatment or therapy, i.e. it can serve to cure patients or restore abilities that do not perform as they would in a healthy person -->


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