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Apple watch

2,003 bytes added, 16:03, 8 December 2015
public impact
== Public & Media Impact and Presentation ==
There is always air of big expectation surrounding the launch of a new product of the Apple Company. Apple does not thrive and use typical ways of advertising such as the other companies use. This is due to several facts. First of all, the company wants their goods to be regarded as luxurious, therefore too much of advertising could actually lower its status. Second, the company has a strong base of fans who are enthralled to purchase any new product which comes out. Apple demonstrated new features of Apple Watch in March during a presentation in San Francisco. Journalists, bloggers, and Apple employees were eagerly awaiting the Apple CEO Timothy D. Cook to announce new Apple Watch.<ref name="ref17"> December 06 2015)</ref>
After the launch of the Watch, many opinions raised. Farhad Manjoo wrote for New York Times about his first three days with the Apple watch. However after he overcame the first difficulties he fell in love with them.<ref name="ref18"> (Retrieved December 06 2015)</ref> Vanessa Friedman has had a different experience. In the article from New York Times, she describes why she broke up with Apple watch. One of the many reasons why she didn’t like them was that she couldn’t talk to the watch worn on the"ref19"> December 06 2015)</ref> Despite all of this Apple is a luxurious brand and it customizes its products for famous people such as Karl Lagerfeld, who has the most expensive all-gold version Watch for 25 000 dollars. As he once said himself he is obsessed by Apple’s devices. For examples, he has 4 iPhones and 20 iPads. <ref name="ref20"> (Retrieved December 06 2015)</ref>
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