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Apple watch

311 bytes added, 23:43, 22 December 2015
MEDIA impact
== Enhancement/Therapy/Treatment ==
The Watch checks three things: Stand, Exercise and Move. If you are sitting for a long time, the Watch points out you should stand up and walk around. The move accounts to how many calories you burnt during the day. The exercise watches your daily activity like running, yoga or fast walking and the goal is doing some kind of exercise for 30 minutes a day. This helps you keep track of your daily workout.<ref name="ref7">RITCHIE, R. Apple Watch review [online]. 2015, 05 December. Available online at:</ref> It has been proven by the research company Wristly that Apple Watch users are taking up more sport and making healthier choices. Beside the faster communication Apple watch also offers its users the possibility to concentrate on fitness and well being. Apple watch can have effect on your health, exercise and lifestyle. Many responses indicate that the Watch is helping many people on their journeys for better health. Over 78% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that since getting the Watch, they are more aware of their overall health.
In addition, many of them have already made changes with 78% of them agreeing or strongly agreeing that they have more physical activity, 67% that they walk more, 57% that they exercise more and 59% that you make better overall health choices. <ref name="ref21">DESARNAUTS, B. Bravo to a healthier lifestyle [online]. 2015, 05 December. Available online at: (Retrieved December 06 2015)</ref>
<!-- Describe in detail whether the technology aims to enhance human cognition, i.e. to improve human abilities beyond what is considered normal, and/or if it is also applicable as a form of treatment or therapy, i.e. it can serve to cure patients or restore abilities that do not perform as they would in a healthy person -->
== Public & Media Impact and Presentation ==
Apple demonstrated new features of Apple Watch in March during a presentation in San Francisco. Journalists, bloggers, and Apple employees were eagerly awaiting the Apple CEO Timothy D. Cook to announce new Apple Watch.<ref name="ref23ref22">CHEN, X. B. Apple Watch Success Will Hinge on Apps [online]. 2015, 06 December. Available online at: December 06 2015)</ref>After the launch of the Watch, many opinions raised. Farhad Manjoo wrote for New York Times about his first three days with the Apple watch. However after he overcame the first difficulties he described how he fell in love with them.<ref name="ref24ref23">MANJOO, F. Apple Watch Review: Bliss, but Only After a Steep Learning Curve [online]. 2015, 06 December. Available online at: (Retrieved December 06 2015)</ref> Vanessa Friedman has had a different experience and also opinion. In the article from New York Times, she describes why she return Apple watch. One of the many reasons why she didn’t like them was that she couldn’t talk to the watch worn on the wrist.<ref name="ref25ref24">FRIEDMAN, V. Why I’m Breaking Up With the Apple Watch [online]. 2015, 06 December. Available online at: December 06 2015)</ref> Despite all of this Apple is a luxurious brand and it customizes its products for famous people such as Karl Lagerfeld, who has the most expensive all-gold version Watch for 25 000 dollars. As he once said himself he is obsessed by Apple’s devices. For examples, he has 4 iPhones and 20 iPads. <ref name="ref26ref25">FENNER, J. Karl Lagerfeld May Have the World's Most Expensive Apple Watch [online]. 2015, 06 December. Available online at: (Retrieved December 06 2015)</ref>
<!-- Provide information about the impact the technology had on the public and how the technology is presented in the media or literature. If there was anything in the news regarding this technology, it should be noted and properly cited here. -->
== Public Policy ==
All public policy expenditures are reported to the Apple Board of Directors and reviewed annually by the Audit and Finance Committee of the Board.<ref name="ref27ref26"> (Retrieved December 06 2015)</ref>
== Related Technologies, Project or Scientific Research ==
Apple Watch are connected and synchronized with the iPhone. Everything is shared due to the application Watch in the phone. A new Apple Watch Hermès, which is a collaboration between Apple and luxury French accessories maker Hermès. The new addition to the Apple Watch family was launched on 9 September 2015, exactly one year after the range was originally revealed and costs from $ 1100. <ref name="ref30ref27"> (Retrieved December 15 2015)</ref>
<!-- If there is any scientific research conducted or being conducted that is closely connected to this technology, it should be properly cited here. -->


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