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RNS® System

40 bytes added, 12:26, 5 December 2016
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RNS® System (hereinafter referred to as RNS System) is medical device for epilepsy treatment.<ref name="neuropaceAbout_the_technology">NeuroPace. About the technology. NeuroPace, Inc. [online]. © 2016. Available online at: (Retrieved 4.11.2016)</ref> It can monitor and stimulate brain activity, for it is deep brain stimulation device. It is manufactured by privately held company named NeuroPace, which is located in Montain View, California.<ref name="BusinessWirePhoenixConference">NeuroPace RNS® System Honored With Prestigious Award At The 22nd Annual Phoenix Conference. Business Wire: A Berkshire Hathaway Company [online]. 2015, Nov 4. Available online at: (Retrieved 4.11.2016)</ref> Therapy with RNS System consist in reducing the frequency of seizures in individuals<ref name="NeuropaceSystemUserManual"/>, who have partial-onset, medically refractory (drug resistant) epilepsy.<ref name="NCBI">THOMAS, G.P., JOBST, B.C. Critical review of the responsive neurostimulator system for epilepsy. The National Center for Biotechnology Information [online]. 2015, Oct 1. Available online at: (Retrieved 4.11.2016)</ref> Those patients are treated with RNS System, when they have no more than two epileptogenic foci (epileptogenic focus is the source or starting point of seizures) and are resistant to more than two antiepileptic medications. The RNS System is thus only for medical prescription.
== Main characteristics ==


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