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4 bytes removed, 11:15, 23 June 2017
== Public & Media Impact and Presentation ==
Since their very announcement, Snap's Spectacles release had been enthusiastically awaited,<ref>STEIN, Scott. We tried Snapchat Spectacles -- here's what it's like. CNET [online]. 2016, Nov 11. Available online at: (Retreived 2017, Jun 23)</ref> and after finally becoming available, they have received unequivocally generally positive reviews.
Lexy Savvides of CNET rated Spectacles with the words:<blockquote>"Do you use sunglasses? Do you like Snapchat? Then these are made for you. You actually film what you see and the battery lasts a loooong time."<ref>SAVVIDES, Lexy. Snapchat Spectacles review:


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