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RNS® System

641 bytes added, 13:38, 3 December 2016
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TNS is not yet been approven by FDA. It has been studied in animal and pilot clinical trials. But it has not yet been sufficiently corroborated, that TNS is effective to treat epilepsy, based on relativelly small scale of the trials.<ref name="Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation May Not Be Effective">PACK, A.M. Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation May Not Be Effective for the Treatment of Refractory Partial Seizures. Epilepsy Currents. 2013, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 164–165.</ref>
DBS treatment is stimulation of the different areas of central nervous system. Most extensively has been studied the stimulation of th the anterior nucleus of the thalamus. That stimulation has been approved by European Union. The other areas of the stimulation are, for example the cerebellum or the hippocampus. Effectiveness of the stimulation in the anterior nucleus is estimated on 40% reduction seizures.<ref name="Neurostimulation for the Treatment of Epilepsy"/>
The RNS System is on the other hand based on closed-loop stimulation, which provide stimulation only if triggered by early seizure activity. However the above meantioned systems of stimulation provide stimulation constantly, regardless of neuronal activity. So the RNS System has less adverse effect than the rest.<ref name="Neurostimulation for the Treatment of Epilepsy"/>  There are also some similar devices, that treat the different kind of diseases. One of them is, for example the Brio Neurostimulation System, which has been approved by FDA in 2015. The device targget to treat Parkinson´s desease and essential tremor symptoms.<ref name="FDA approves brain implant to help reduce Parkinson’s disease">FDA Administration. FDA approves brain implant to help reduce Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor symptoms. FDA Administration: FDA News Release [online]. 2015, Jun 12. Available online at: (Retrieved 3.12.2016)</ref>
== References ==


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