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RNS® System

388 bytes added, 13:50, 3 December 2016
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The RNS System is on the other hand based on closed-loop stimulation, which provide stimulation only if triggered by early seizure activity. However the above meantioned systems of stimulation provide stimulation constantly, regardless of neuronal activity. So the RNS System has less adverse effect than the rest.<ref name="Neurostimulation for the Treatment of Epilepsy"/>
There are also some similar devices, that treat the different kind of diseases. One of them is, for example the Activa Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy System (Medtronic), which is targget to treat tremor associated with Parkinson´s disease and essential tremor. It was approved by FDA in 1997.<ref name=" FDA Okays Brio">JEFFREY, S. FDA Okays Brio Neurostimulation System for PD, ET. Medscape [online]. 2015, Jun 12. Available online at: (Retrieved 3.12.2016)</ref> Similar device for reducing the symptoms of Parkinson's disease is the Brio Neurostimulation System, which has been approved by FDA in 2015. The device targget to treat Parkinson´s desease and essential tremor symptoms.<ref name="FDA approves brain implant to help reduce Parkinson’s disease">FDA Administration. FDA approves brain implant to help reduce Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor symptoms. FDA Administration: FDA News Release [online]. 2015, Jun 12. Available online at: (Retrieved 3.12.2016)</ref>
== References ==


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