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Quell relief

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Users have to buy additional accessories like a travel bag, spare cables, charger adapter, and sports band.<ref>Quell, Accessories, Online shop webpage:</ref> Users have to also buy two electrodes regularly that are currently available in two kinds of packages: one package of two electrodes for 29.95 USD, or three packages of two electrodes for 89.85 USD<ref>Quell, Electrodes, Online shop webpage:</ref>.
[[File:Quell-components.jpg|thumbnail|A) (A) a therapy pod, (B) An electrode array, (C) A band, and (D) An example of usage on upper calf, place of effect<ref name="science-behind-quell.pdf"/>]]
Regardless of which part of body is in pain, Quell is always placed on the upper calf (on either leg). There is better contact with nerves on this area of the body that send impulses to parts of the brainstem. After the device is fastened around the calf, users only need to press the button. The starter kit has a built-in accelerometer that allows calibration of electrical intensity according to the user's body; manual regulation is not needed.

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