Property:Developed by

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Revision as of 12:25, 4 August 2015 by Haustein (talk | contribs) (created)
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This property describes the developer/manufacturer of a device or technology. It is of the Text type.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Anakando Ltd  +
4DForce GmbH  +
Afterguard Marine  +
Altergaze Ltd  +
Amazon Inc.  +, Inc  +
ANTVR Technology  +
Apple Inc.  +
Apple Inc.  +
Apple Inc.  +
Archos  +
Ashkelon Eyewear Technologies LTD  +
Ashkelon Eyewear Technologies LTD  +
Atheer, Inc.  +
Avegant Corporation  +
Baidu Inc.  +
RSL Steeper  +
Beetech Software House  +
BioRing Inc.  +
St. Jude Medical, Inc.  +